Saturday, November 29, 2008

BORING- they can't all be prize winning!

this was from a couple weeks ago, not very interesting. it is.

everywhere i look, there are tree branches and leaves. the sky is white, like it is about to rain in the middle of the day. the tree is almost black against the sky. but not completely. i can see the bumps and slivers that are risen off the branches. --something happened next, but i can't remember-- i was suddenly looking through a house that was completely unfamiliar to me. it was well built, clean, and large. it was cluttered with old books though. i was searching for a person, anyone. i just needed company because the house creeped me out. i was getting really scared until i found the door and opened it up to my room. it wasn't my current room though. it was the first room that i had in my house. the, now, small, messy, storage room. but it wasnt messy. it had all my old furniture and clothes. it even had the barbie covers on the bed.

then i woke up because i got a really bad charlie horse and i was trying not to scream at 3 in the morning.


i am at the beach. it is almost past sunset, but i am not leaving. i refuse to leave, so everyone leaves without me. literally everyone leaves. i am the only one left on this beach. the water is black with the approaching night. although it should be darker, because i know its late, the sky is still orange. the sand isnt hard or soft, it just is. i realize that i am sitting on the sand, watching the large waves crash with no noise. i can only hear the wind. it's powerful and it whips my hair around, but i cant feel it on my face and my hair never blinds me. i stand up to walk towards the water. as i get closer to the blackness, the waves grow larger. about twice my height. but they arent menacing, they are welcoming. i close the gap between me and the waves finally. i cant reach the bottom anymore. i swim around and soon, i cant see the sand. i look down and cant see through the water to my body. i keep kicking knowing that i will get tired soon. i give up and float on my back. the waves get bigger. i feel like everytime one passes, i get closer to the sky and then sink into the ground. and then i see grandma fujimoto. she is standing on the beach which is visible again. i try to call out to her, but just like all dreams where you want to talk, i couldnt. i was worried now. i really wanted a chance to talk to her, but she couldnt hear me, because i couldnt yell. i tried to swim back to shore, but i couldnt. i was stuck in the waves. i felt dizzy and hot. i could still see grandma. it shocked me that she wasnt more worried about me. when i was young, she wouldnt let me ride my tricycle past the second line on the driveway. why was she letting me out in the ocean now?

Monday, September 29, 2008

a pal for life, and more...

ok so here we's my crazy good story telling skills.well, I'm trying.

tomo and I were in grandma and grandpas backyard and mom dad lauren auntie dana uncle john grandma and grandpa were inside. the empty water bowl caught my eye, so i decided to fill it up. not my usual job, in fact i never once did that for him, but something urged me. i picked up the bowl to get some water from the hose but tomo didn't like that very much. he started to growl and bark. i freaked out and dropped the bowl. when dad and auntie d heard the barking, they ran outside. but tomo was recovered by the time they got through the door. we were completely happy. like he didn't just growl. dad snatched the hose from me and insisted that he would do the job himself, as usual. haha. when he turned on the hose, it started to fill the bowl, then the porch was soaked, then the entire backyard was filled. tomo jumped into the pool that dad created. he was so happy and lively. he jumped back out and ran past dad, knocking him in as he shook off the excess water. dad cursed jokingly. tomo was excited again and jumped in after dad. they swam until the backyard finally drained out. once the water was gone i noticed that tomo was very sad again. i realized that there was a tight chain around his neck. i quickly snatched it off and threw it over the fence. tomo was able to breathe again. he was also able to jump higher, run faster, and bark louder. he got younger and younger as the time passed with the chain off his neck. i blinked, confused, just like in every other dream i have. tomo's eyes were wide open, his fur was fluffy and soft, and he had no gray hairs. his tail was curled and his ears were perked up. the whole family came outside to watch then. i took a seat on the grass and let tomo run up to me. i pet him on his head. his ears. his stomach. and his head again. we were both so happy that there was no more burdens. there was nothing distinct about our care-free mood, but i know that we both knew how happy we were to be hanging out, like old buds. i started to think of all the times we spent together, just to be interrupted by a huge, warm, wet tongue sliding across my hand. silly tomo. and i woke up.

that's the last time i'll be woken by tomo's lick in the morning.

thanks bud. we love you.